The Femme's Guide To Loving A Stud

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Excerpt from my book Voodoo Vixen

Veronica Broussard had come from an old, well known New Orleans Creole family. Her parents were upset that she had chosen to become a musician instead of a doctor or lawyer, as most of her sisters and brothers had become. It was all so cliché’. But she was the black sheep of the family for another reason. She was a lesbian and her entire family knew. Some openly disapproved, some secretly disapproved and an even smaller few accepted her. But she was Veronica Broussard!

 The best damned musician in the city. She could play the saxophone as if making love to it and the crowd always begged for more. She’d just finished a gig over on Frenchmen street when she received a phone call from Gina Lacroix. Still floating from her music high, she was even more excited to learn that she was to be invited to attend a St. John celebration and that Gina’s cousin, Margene Lacroix, would definitely be there! Veronica had heard of the woman before about town, but she was friends with Gina because they frequented the same places often, mostly jazz clubs and music and art events. 

One night Veronica was nursing her woes over several long island ice tea‘s, when Gina approached her. “So, what’s up with you, sis?” Gina had asked with a concerned look on her face.

She tried to put on a brave face and hide her sadness, but it wasn’t long before Gina had gotten Veronica to tell her what was really going on.  “It’s Lynette.”

“Again, huh?” Gina had known of other problems the couple had in the past.

“Yeah, only this time she’s lying to my face about where she’s been and with whom. And the problem is, I know exactly who the ‘who’ is!” Gina shook her head.

“Oh, no. So you think she’s cheating?”

“I know that she’s cheating!”

“Well, what are you going to do about it?”

“I followed her one night.”

“Ohhhh, Veronica!” Gina made a sour face.

“I know, it sounds really juvenile. But I had to know for sure. And I was right. She’s been going to the gym and then sneaking off to that woman’s house afterwards.”

“What woman?”

“Her names Angelique. And she’s trouble. Nothing but trouble!”

“Okay. Calm down and explain this to me. Exactly who is she?”

Veronica sighed and ordered another drink. Thankfully, Gina said nothing. This is why she liked being Gina’s friend. She never judged and was always a calm voice of reason to Veronica‘s brooding temper.

“She’s a fake, that’s what she is. She just moved her from Memphis and started a spiritualist church. It’s all a bunch of hocus pocus nonsense, if you ask me. At least my family, with all their superstitious ways, still believes in the way things have always been around here and not all this new-agey crap.”

“So, she runs a church. . . And?”

“And she’s just a money hungry woman bent on starting a cult if you ask me. She drives a brand new Mercedes while most of her followers are dirt poor.”

Gina sighed. This was going to get complicated. “Are you afraid she’s after Lynette’s money?”

“Not really. But who could be certain? I know she’s an expert brainwasher, and she’s trying to steal my girl away from me!”

“Lynette has already chosen to go on her own.” 

“I know. But she has changed, Gina. She no longer looks me in the eye anymore. We barely have sex. It’s like she hates me or something. Ever since she started going to Angelique’s church things have changed. What if she doesn’t love me anymore?”

Gina’s gentle, heart-shaped face took on a look of contemplation. 

“Well, there is another way…” Gina said.

“What are you talking about?”

“I know another way to get your woman back, so that she’ll never even think of Angelique ever again.”


“Like wouldn’t it be nice to have Lynette back in love with you again like she used to be? Or if Angelique decided to all of a sudden decide to leave town or something?” Gina’s chubby hand was resting on her chin casually, as if discussing this was nothing new to her.

“Well…of course I’d like that. But -”

“My cousin can help you. Margene Lacroix!”

“The psychic? She’s your cousin? Oh wow!” Veronica let out a laugh. Gina’s face remained serious. Veronica cleared her throat and stared at the woman.

“So, you’re definitely not joking, right?”

“No joke. Everyone goes to her when they need help with love problems. She’s the best.”

“I don’t need a reading, though. I already know what Lynette is doing. I just want her back.”

“She can help you get her back, darling. We are the descendents of the great queen of New Orleans and Margene knows all of the secrets. They’ve been passed down throughout the generations. She is a living queen herself!”

Veronica thought for a moment. She knew exactly what Gina was talking about. Living in New Orleans you just automatically knew about certain things. Things like Gris Gris, root workers, conjure people, Hoodoo practitioners. Some of her family members even visited such individuals when they felt the need to. She was no stranger to any of it. But this would be her first time seeing someone about her own relationship. 

“I’m a little nervous.” Veronica admitted.

“Don’t be. Margene is very down to earth, but very powerful.”

“Alright. I’ll go and see her.”

Gina smiled and clapped her hands with excitement.

Now available on Kindle!

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