The Femme's Guide To Loving A Stud

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ways You Marriage Can Survive The Storms

On the day that a couple, deeply in love, stand in front of god, their families and friends to make that promise to love and cherish one another "for better or for worse" I can bet your bottom dollar they're not thinking about the "worse" part whatsoever. But, naturally, things that are "worse" will eventually make their way into our lives. The image of wedded bliss is one where a couple rides off into the sunset and live happily without any problems. A married couple can have an amazing relationship, but sooner enough things that are out of the couples' control can show up to crash the party.

Whenever you find yourselves riding out a storm, below are some suggestions to help you and your love's marriage thrive and grow stronger in spite of the storm. Marriages that survive have the following characteristics:

* Keep other people out of your marriage - In times of strife, turn towards your partner and not towards others. Not only does this keep your marriage private, it does WONDERS for avoiding drama! If you talk bad about your partner on facebook or twitter, then 2 days later act all lovey dovey, folks are still going to talk about what you said. Your personal drama might even become viral! Who wants that? Not only does it invite drama, it could potentially open doors for people who dont have the best intentions. There's a lot of people out there would would love nothing better than to break up your happy home. Protect your home and your family by keeping your business to yourself.

* A strengthened friendship - Maintain common goals and interests with your spouse.

* Take comfort in a higher power - Whether this higher power be something you find deep inside yourself, or religion or some sort of spiritual connection, embrace it. Together, you can use that connection to help you get through any problems together.

* Take off the rose colored glasses - Relationships that are real will face problems that are real. Some of these problems can be more difficult than others. When we were little girls we were taught love was a fairy tale. Time to face reality! Although there are many beautiful moments where love can indeed feel like a fairy tale we also have to deal with real, unpleasant, and sometimes downright bad issues that may rear their ugly heads. The sooner we can be accountable for our own happiness; understanding that nobody is going to ride up on a shining, white horse and rescue us from bills, housework, problems with family, ect, the sooner we can really enjoy what life's got to offer.

* Keep a gratitude journal together - More often than not, we become so bogged down with the things in our lives that we're not happy with or that aren't going right, that we lose sight of the wonderful, good things that ARE going god and ARE working for us. When you start consciously looking for and appreciating the good, you'll be blown away by all the beauty in your marriage.

As I look back on 2013 and look forward to 2014, I remember the times that were hard and I also remember the blessings we had. My hersband and I faced some health challenges last year, but we took care of them and are in better shape now. We bought our first home. We got legally married. We traveled together to many places as a family, some I'd never been to before. We grew closer to our families and friends. We spent countless days and nights just enjoying each other and spending special moments together. Sure, we've had our share of struggles and frustration; including some stressful issues, moving, deaths in the family, trying to rid ourselves of my psycho ex who has bee stalking us. But in spite of that we've also created some beautiful memories that no one can take away from us. And I look forward to creating even more in 2014.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, find joy in the smallest moments and hold onto them as if they were a gift. I am so happy and in love with my hersband, she has a beautiful heart and a giving soul. We all have faults. We all have amazingly beautiful things about ourselves. It's all about being deeply committed and loyal to your love and your family. That's a rock that's solid, and pretty damned hard to break.

Kisses y'all....

Devil Kitty

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